888-544-4541 – citizenscustomerservice@utilityshield.com



Our age is showing

The pipes, wires, and drains running beneath the streets of this great country are wearing out.

Decades of use have taken their toll; across the U.S. the infrastructure that served as the backbone of our nation is beginning to weaken. Annually, 240,000 water mains break in the US; and that doesn’t include the other aging lines like electric and gas.

And you’re responsible

Your local utilities each do their part to keep this massive infrastructure working reliably. However, in most cases, the lines between your curb and your home are the homeowners responsibility. No worries, you’ve got homeowners insurance, right? Wrong. Since line failure isn’t considered catastrophic, homeowners insurance typically won’t cover it.

So not all home accidents are big enough to be called catastrophic; but all of them are inconvenient. For the just-inconvenient home accidents, like wear and tear on your home’s pipes and wires, we have a number of plans designed to protect your budget for a comfortable monthly fee.

Bird's Eye Shot of Neighborhood, trees and tops of houses from photo taken above a neighborhood
Busted Copper Pipe Spraying Water

Protection: Indoors and Out

If you own a home, a home warranty can protect your budget from the cost of a repair to utility lines for which you are responsible, and the repair of systems not typically protected by homeowners insurance.

Gas/Water/Sewer Callout showing an illustration of each of the utility lines

Main/Curbline: Where your home’s lines meet the utility’s main line.

Gas/Water/Sewer Callout showing an illustration of each of the utility lines

Weatherhead: Curved metal support for electric lines entering your home.

Utility Line Installation, illustration showing all the utility lines in a home and what the homeowner is responsible for

Protect Your Home From Expensive Repair

Protect Your Home From Expensive Repair

Protect Your Investment

When your pipes or wires fail, our UtilityShield protection can protect you from costly repairs. Be sure to watch this quick video on how it works, how to get started, and how we’ve got you protected.
Couple Looking at Utility Bills, a man and a woman at a table looking at various bills

Running the Numbers

For less than the cost of a typical service call, you can get a whole year’s worth of protection. Even after a full year of paying $39.95 per month—for Core, the highest level of protection we offer—your cost is less than $500/year. A typical outside line repair call can easily exceed $1,000.

Our Core plan for your inside and outside utility lines, and your home’s heating & cooling systems is still less than a typical repair call. So when you add in the convenience of only having to make one phone call in the event of an emergency, it’s really your time AND money that we’re protecting.

Keep your savings.
Protect your home.
Love your freedom.

Our protection plans start at $9.95 per month and can protect wear and tear issues to your utility lines, heating & cooling systems, and water heater. Compared to the cost of even one of these repairs, your peace of mind comes at a fraction of what you would be paying without UtilityShield.

Keep your savings.
Protect your home.
Love your freedom.

Our protection plans start at $9.95 per month and can protect wear and tear issues to your utility lines, heating & cooling systems, and water heater. Compared to the cost of even one of these repairs, your peace of mind comes at a fraction of what you would be paying without UtilityShield.

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All images are for illustration purpose only and do not guarantee protection. Please refer to the corresponding service agreement for scope or contact us for more information.

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